Suzhou Shengyifurui Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
Dear Customers and Partners,
Due to business development, since December 1st, 2018.Suzhou Shengteng Electronic Co.,Ltd hasbeen renamed to Suzhou Shengyifurui Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.
Ampart from renaming, Shengyifurui also increased the registered capital and changed the bank information as well as tax registered number. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to you.
The updated company information is listed:
Company name: Suzhou Shengyifurui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Office address: # 567 Binhe Road, SND, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China.
Phone: +86-512-68051148/49 Fax:+86-512-68051148-688
Tax Registration No.: 91320506MA1NRNLF6N
Bank information:
Bank name: Bank of China Suzhou NEW ANDHI-TECH DEVELOPMENT ZONE Sub-Branch
Bank Address: 99 Shishan road, Suzhou city, Jiangsu Province, China
Post Code: 215011
Account No.: 511872333962
Beneficiary: Suzhou Shengyifurui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
INTERMEDIARY Bank: Bank of China New York Branch
Please keep the information above and kindly revise the relevant contracts, forms etc. We appreciate for your long cooperation and support.
Best wishes,
Suzhou Shengyifurui Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
(Formerly Suzhou Shengteng Electronic Co., Ltd)